My pastor recently preached a sermon on Genesis 1 titled “God’s Calling”. In it, he mentioned that everyone’s calling is to subdue creation and have dominion, that is control it and turn it into something of benefit.. My limited brain immediately brought to mind the example of musicians taking jumbles of notes and making beautiful music and artists taking color and line and making picturesque, museum-quality artwork. Later, when my friend and I were out running, I jokingly said we were subduing the creation that was our bodies and making fit beings out of them. A few steps and labored breaths later, I realized my joke was true (some of my most profound statements often start off as joke). It made me start thinking of other ways I could subdue creation and make something beneficial.
One of the problems with being single is not having someone readily available to bounce off ideas. I have so many of them they overwhelm me. I drown in my imagination, my thoughts, my feelings, my opinions. They wind up jumbled into a giant knot that weighs me down, ties me up and restrains me where I’m unable to move. Kind of like a “hoarder” only it’s my spirit that’s trapped inside my mind. My brain is like a cluttered, bulging file cabinet that lacks order. Hundreds, maybe thousands of stray notes have been stuffed in there with no order, causing me distress and confusion.
Perhaps writing more would give me an outlet, a manner by which I could subdue the thousands of thoughts that crowd my mind and maybe uncover something beautiful. Subduing my thought-life may bring about something honorable to God. At the very least, my mind would be decluttered and cleaned up and maybe not weigh me down with the junk of sad and desperate thoughts. Maybe something lovely might be uncovered, like a buried treasure.
1 comment:
Hello Barb, It's me again with another comment after taking invitation to read your post. I like the way you used the concept/command: SUBDUE from Genesis 1. Having too many disorganized (confusing) thoughts in our minds can cause us to feel frustrated and overwhelmed and they definitely need to be TAMED! My Pastor uses a comment, when teaching on 'renewing' the mind. He says: "we should be GUARDIANS of our thought life - protecting and shielding our minds from the wrong thoughts." 'We can't stop a bird from flying over our heads, but we can prevent it from building a nest in our hair,' Thoughts DO come and go: some we initiate and others we must evict. I too am single and don't really have a lot of friends, who have time and don't mind hearing me YAK from time to time about this and that in my life, except my sister; she listens, but will also check me if she feels I'm not doing my due diligence to stay on top of my feelings! I am happier, when instead of going to the phone to call someone, I choose to go to the throne of God (Hebrews 4:16); the outcome is better, because He can help me more than my friends, who also need His help! Lastly, when my mind needs a tuneup, due to unhealthy or overwhelming thoughts, I go the 'Happy' chapter in the Bible: Philippians 4. I read the entire chapter, but like to meditate on verse 8. Thank you for the advice; I will continue writing on my blog and look forward to becoming a more polished writer, so that what I share from my heart with touch the hearts of others. Grace and peace to you. I aologize for being long-winded.
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