Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Question

If I believe God is sovereign (and I do), why do I wear a seat belt and get a flu vaccine?  I'm correct on both sides of this equation, but I can't articulate the reasons why.


Bruce said...

Because seat belts and flu shots are among the many vehicles God uses to keep you safe. If God is sovereign, remember...He made those, too.

Of course, His plan may or may not include your safety with or without seat belts and flu shots.

felipe torres said...
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Hepzibah The Watchman said...

God gives visions to people. Edison received the vision of a light bulb so we wouldn't live in darkness. Someone out there received the vision of seat belts and flu shots. God wants us to live longer - more chance to choose him and more chance to share his love with others. May God bless you, indeed.

hapi said...
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