Thursday, August 18, 2005

Naming My Blog

Some blogger I'm going to took me an hour to come up with a title for my blog. Some titles I kicked around (and finally kicked out): ME; DAZED & CONFUSED; DOG DAYS ( I have two dogs).


Raquel said...

When we set up our blog it took a while to find a URL. We tried all sorts of variations on aroadlesstravelled, but they were all taken.
Seth was helping us set it up, and he finally got fed up with the whole thing and typed in sharppointythings ...and the rest is history. I'm never sure whether people don't notice the URL or just don't want to say anything. :-)

Barb said...

Sharp Pointy Things is quite're both sharp and your blog is quite pointed. Seth might be on to something!

Gabrielle said...

Um, well, actually it's a reference to knives and swords and other such pointy things. I like your take on it better, though, so I might just rearange things in my head...