Saturday, August 01, 2009

A Step Behind

It seems I'm always behind. Whether my housework, homework, work-work and most

There are milestone markers for children to measure their progress - their first smile, when they're able to roll over, etc. There are also "milestone markers" for more advanced ages, as well. And I haven't seemed to have hit any of them.

While most people learned to drive in their teens, I didn't learn until I was 27 years old. While the average age of a college graduate is 22, I'm still working on my Bachelors degree at 48. While most friends my age have been married quite some time, have children and even grandchildren...well, we know where I rank there.

I'm overcome by a sense of never ever being able to catch up. I'll never reach "my full potential"; my life is half over and it's never really begun.


james3v1 said...

I'm still working on my BA at 40 now, and am not likely to finish it anytime soon.

pentamom said...

Wait until it's time for me to try to get back into the workforce, and THEN we'll see who's behind! I might have the BA, but after ~26 years out of the workforce it won't be worth much. Administrative Assistant somewhere will be the pinnacle of my aspirations, but I have a feeling Walmart will be closer to the reality.

Yeah, I'll have accomplished other stuff in the meantime, but so have you!

bruce said...

We're all behind in some things and ahead in others. I choose to enjoy the gifts I have received (ahead) rather than fret about those parts of my life that remain underdeveloped (behind) Besides:) you're not as much behind as you once were....I mean you don't HAVE as much behind!!! :)~